
             Girl Scouting in the Philippines began as early as 1918 with GSUSA troops organised by American Missionaries, but it was not until 1939 that the Girl Scout Movement was formally launched following GSP Founder Josefa Llanes Escoda’s arrival from an intensive Girl Scout training in the USA. In 1940, the Girl Scouts of the Philippines was chartered as a national organisation.

          On May 26, 1940, the GSP was chartered under Philippine Commonwealth Act No. 542. In 1946, the GSP was accepted as a tenderfoot member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) during the 11th World Conference held at Evian, France. In 1948, the GSP became a full member of WAGGGS during the 12th World Conference held at Cooperstown, New York .


  The Girl Scouts of the Philippines (GSP) is the national Guiding association for girls and young women of the Philippines. Its mission is “to help girls and young women realize the ideals of womanhood and prepare themselves for their responsibilities in the home, and to the nation, and the world community.”

          The GSP Logo. • The color green depicts youth. • The three loops forming the trefoil (green) symbolize the three parts of the Girl Scout Promise: God, country, and mankind. • The circle stands for the sisterhood of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting around the world.

            During the period of June to November every year, San Antonio Elementary School’s GSP Troop Leaders encourage the girls of all levels to join the GSP Organization. The Troop Leaders will go around the campus motivating the girl students of all grade level to join in the said registration for them to gain more friends, enhance their skills, enjoy, and to learn various activities.

            Every 3rd week of September, the Girl Scout Week of San Antonio Elementary School takes place at the SANES Golezeum. The Girl Scouts of all levels are at this time participates in the program and would be able to have training lessons about first aid and play team games. These will help them to be active, sociable, show their talents and gain knowledge.          All Girl Scouts instilled the teachings, work and sacrifices of Josefa Llanes Escoda – the founder of GSP, which the institution commemorates every 20th of September at the SANES Golezeum by conducting a short ceremony where they offer flowers and token.

Another event that the organization hosts is the GSP Investiture and Rededication Ceremony which happens in October to November of the year headed by The Principal – Carlito T. Adducul, PSDS Distict V – Marita G. Briones, GSP School Coordinator – Adelaida A. Lee, the troop leaders and the registered girl scouts join the said event. The Girl Scouts ranging from Twinklers, Stars, to Juniors for the elementary level have their own ceremony of investiture and rededication followed by the Scout Palabas to showcase the true essence of the organization and inspire the youth.

            There is also a yearly School Badge Fair for all levels and troop leaders of the GSP. The facilitator of the said event exert effort to share their expertise of different activities, games, lessons, and trainings for additional knowledge in scouting to have fun and learn new things.

            The most awaited activity for all is the Overnight Camping with the Junior Scouts at the SANES Golezeum. During this program, they will bring their foods and snacks open to share with their colleagues. The scouts will set-up their tents and also use the AVR.  Once the task of setting the tent is done, next will be the Camp Fire activity wherein every patrol shows their talent and skill for the assigned quest, they will go to their respective tents to rest. In the morning, the troop leaders are in-charge to prepare the breakfast. This is a very good and unforgettable experience for them to eat, sleep, and have a quality time with their scout mates and friends.

            There is the Division Badge Fair which takes place every year.  The selected Girl Scouts of Twinklers, Stars, and Juniors join in various activities and gain new experiences with the other school’s Girl Scouts.

            The GSP and the BSP of Paranaque conducts a yearly parade called ‘Sunrise Parade’ starting from the entrance of Greenheights Village to City Hall of Paranaque and will have a short ceremony headed by the Hon. Mayor Edwin Olivarez to discuss about the achievements and projects by the GSP and BSP.

             Due to the unforeseen events brought by the pandemic affecting the health crisis of the whole world, we were able to conduct a briefing and discussion about Corona Virus before the quarantine and lockdowns took place. The GSP watched all the news about awareness regarding the Corona Virus at the 1st week of March 2020 at the SANES AVR. Although the said events may not happen for a long period of time due to restrictions and safety protocols, the members and organization of the Girl Scouts of the Philippines did not lose ties and were able to communicate as to how everyone can help each other in this time of crisis.